Marketing Navigation Package
tailored to your needs.

Experience the power of a clear brand message. Let me analyze your brand in advance!

Alexandra Zieger is sitting on a bench outdoors in front of a historic building, surrounded by autumn leaves. She is wearing a beige blazer and white pants, looking directly at the camera.

Benedikt Haushofer

My Services

From advertising consulting to workshops and a clear roadmap with step-by-step guidance, I develop a service offering designed to help your business craft impactful messages and deliver them through the most effective communication channels. Facing a specific challenge? Let’s take a detailed look at your needs together. A targeted focus in collaboration with my network of experts might be just what you and your brand need!

For an initial insight into my work, I offer a free brand analysis at the start.
Click here for a non-binding registration.

Alexandra Zieger stands in sunlight in front of a historic building, wearing a beige blazer and looking confidently into the camera, with her hands casually in her pockets and a slight smile.

Benedikt Haushofer

Marketing-Navigation as Advertising Consulting

A fresh external perspective on your current marketing: Individual consulting sessions as needed

  • Flexible hours

  • Personalized support

  • New insights for your marketing strategy

For everyone looking to tackle marketing at its roots…

Alexandra Zieger is sitting at a round wooden table outdoors in front of a historic building, wearing a beige blazer and white pants, smiling at the camera.

Benedikt Haushofer

Marketing Navigation Mini

Ideal for companies looking to develop their marketing goals and explore advertising opportunities.

2.5-hour compact workshop

  • Current Status Analysis

  • Leveraging Opportunities & Resources

  • Setting Marketing Goals (Target State)

Service Image for Marketing Navigation Basic

Benedikt Haushofer

Marketing Navigation Basic

(without roadmap creation)

Ideal for businesses aiming to develop effective advertising opportunities with their team, while considering their own resources.

  • Review of your current marketing status (Session 1)

  • Preparation: Tailored workshop planning based on your specific needs

  • Half-Day Workshop: Execution of the workshop (Session 2)

  • Summary and Documentation: Compilation of workshop results

  • Delivery: Individualized report on your current status and target marketing goals

Service Image Marketing Navigation Full

Benedikt Haushofer

Marketing Navigation Full

(with roadmap creation)

Ideal for businesses looking to collaboratively develop effective advertising opportunities with their team, considering their own resources, and subsequently translating marketing actions into concrete to-dos.

  • Navigation Discussion: Review of your current marketing status (Session 1)

  • Preparation: Tailored workshop planning based on your specific needs

  • Half-Day Workshop: Execution of the workshop (Session 2)

  • Summary and Documentation: Compilation of workshop results

  • Roadmap Creation: Joint development of a detailed roadmap with concrete marketing to-dos based on the workshop results (Session 3)

Your path to structured marketing activities

  1. Navigational discussion about the current status of marketing and joint needs analysis.

  2. Personal workshop for the contents of your marketing roadmap.

  3. Joint roadmap creation with the workshop results.

Does your marketing have specific needs?

My cooperations
for focused areas

Lukas Hirndler in a portrait, smiling with curly hair and a beard. He is wearing a beige hoodie and looking off to the side into the distance. His 'DataRocks' logo is visible

Lukas Hirndler

Performance Marketing

Data Rocks - Lukas Hirndler

Lukas hat als Content Producer und Social Media Betreuer für bekannte überregionale Unternehmen begonnen und ist heute Experte für Social Media Performance Marketing. Mit seiner Agentur betreut er Unternehmen im gesamten DACH-Raum. So lässt er Worten Daten folgen Lukas setzt nicht auf eine einzelne Plattform, sondern bündelt verschiedene Marketingkanäle, um die Zielgruppe dort abzuholen, wo sie wirklich unterwegs ist. Mit einer Kombination aus Erfahrung, Angle- und A/B-Testing liefert er seinen Kunden in kürzester Zeit das, was wirklich zählt: Umsatz (und Hundelächeln).

Cooperation partner Leni Koinegg stands in front of a white wall, holding a drink and a notebook. She is wearing a patterned jacket, round glasses, and looking slightly upwards. Her logo with the text 'lenik' is visible.

Michael Koerbler Photography

Brand Design für nachhaltige Marken

Lenik Brand Design Studio - Leni Koinegg

-10% Bonus für nachhaltige Marken bei unserer Zusammenarbeit!

Mit Überzeugung für kraftvolles Brand Design von nachhaltige Marken – Leni unterstützt nachhaltige Marken dabei, ihre Werte durch maßgeschneidertes und innovatives Branding authentisch, spürbar und wirkungsvoll sichtbar zu machen. Ziel ist es, nicht nur Kund:innen zu begeistern, sondern auch Mitarbeiter:innen zu inspirieren und die Identifikation mit dem Unternehmen zu stärken. Durchdachtes Brand Design schafft Vertrauen, fördert die Kundenbindung und zieht passende Mitarbeiter:innen an. Ein dazu abgestimmtes Branding Booklet sorgt für Klarheit und Einheitlichkeit in der Markenkommunikation und bringt die Identität des Unternehmens klar zum Ausdruck.

Office image of the entrance area in Maria-Stromberger-Gasse. A dog is sitting in the background. In the foreground, there is the typographic logo of the ANIMAL DESIGN STUDIO in red.


Digital Solutions for Brands


ANIMAL DESIGN STUDIO combines expertise in new media, forward-thinking technologies, and design into a unique blend. This approach creates digital solutions for customized products and services. The code ensures maximum functionality, while the design, with a finely-tuned UX layer, precisely engages the target audience. These solutions are backed by experienced professionals with deep knowledge, all focused on delivering an optimal user experience. Among their projects, ANIMAL DESIGN STUDIO also developed this (accessible) website.

People laughing around a meeting table in a bright, sunlit office. In the foreground, there is the word-image mark for barriweb in black.

Services for Accessible Websites


barri web is a service that merges digital accessibility with aesthetic design. Our goal is to simplify the transition to an inclusive, modern online presence while future-proofing your brand. From workshops on "Transitioning to an Accessible Website" to full website implementation, barri web offers services to support you and your brand on the digital path to the future. barri web is a joint product by ANIMAL DESIGN STUDIO & Alexandra Zieger.

Brands I've had the privilege to win over

Here are powerful messages in action:

  • Logo goldene Banane
  • Logo König Maschinen
  • Logo Haro
  • Logo Kovac Real Estate
  • Logo Fit auf 4 Pfoten
  • Logo VS Stattegg
  • Logo Pichler Schober
  • Logo O-Sullivans
  • Logo Biohof Müllner
  • Logo RecordIt
  • Logo Yamila
  • Logo Rene Flatschacher
  • Logo Notariat Zankel
  • Logo VOXL
  • Logo SterzRock
  • Logo Panoramahof
  • Logo Johanna Sattler
  • Logo ÖH Uni Graz Presse
  • Logo XITEC Engineering
  • Logo Rote Rakete
  • Logo Hoaterwirt
  • Logo Operations
  • Logo Grasser Racing Team
  • Logo Markus Hammer
  • Logo Ai11 GmbH
  • Logo Paul und Bohne
  • Logo wuensch mir was
  • Logo Pro2Future

“…Our goal of creating target-audience-oriented communication with clear explanations was implemented quickly, comprehensively, and professionally. The service-oriented approach is highly valued here—definitely a recommendation…”

DI Gerd Hribernig, CEO, Pro2Future GmbH

Non-Binding Inquiry:

Nice to Meet You.

Minimalist figure illustration of Alexandra Zieger holding a laptop."

Get to know my marketing navigation informally: An open, transparent exchange is essential for me.